Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mason Jar Madness!

A lovely woman came into our Burlingame store last night, and was delighted to find our latest collection of vintage mason jars. She had been seeking the perfect container in which to display her grandmother's keepsake button collection, and found these old jars to be the perfect answer.

We've recently received a huge assortment! These are the originals, the real deal with glass self-securing lids, embossed labels, and even that special blue-green tint!
Our collection is vast, and we are so excited to offer such high quality originals.

There are so many great re-use ideas floating around out there for these vintage vessels. Here are a few to inspire you...

Floral containers/mini terrariums...


 Collection display...

Utensil storage...

 Powder room organizers...

Craft supply storage...

Soap dispenser...

 Party drinks...

One-of-a-kind lighting fixtures...

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